If my resources have been of great value, feel free to say thanks via my link.
With every revision notes I make, I'll also upload them here to benefit other students for years to come. Leave a review if I've helped as it really does make my day :)
If my resources have been of great value, feel free to say thanks via my link.
With every revision notes I make, I'll also upload them here to benefit other students for years to come. Leave a review if I've helped as it really does make my day :)
If my resources have been of great value, feel free to say thanks via my link.
Hello my fellow Holy people ,
If you’re in a Catholic School (like I was) or you chose Re because you wanted to, hopefully my revision notes may help you out.
During my final year, the Exam Board was changed from so in a matter of a few months, the whole year was taught the entire course (with the help of our teachers and a few days where we had to come to school in our holidays).
Thankfully, the Head Teacher (and my RE teacher at the time) gave everyone a study book which was called : My Revision Notes Religious Studies Route B (9-1) by Andrew Barron
During the holiday before exam season, I went through the book page by page and wrote up the necessary information in concise and precise bullet points.
Yes it took many hours, but I guess it was well worth it … I got an 8 for my RE grade (too bad that won’t even matter in a few years time, or ever for that matter).
Either way, I have decided to share my Revision notes in the hope that it’ll help those who aren’t finding any suitable/free revision guides to learn from.
However, I must warn you that there are a few flaws.
Firstly, because it’s such a large document, there’ll definitely be phrases, words etc that won’t make sense (due to typos), so it’ll be nice to mention that in the comments. Also, I think at some point, I typed:
“I cannot be bothered to type 4 key documents of the 2nd Vatican council”
because I couldn’t be bothered to type the 4 key documents of the 2nd Vatican council, so I didn’t.
Also, I put the Creation of Adam Picture in the notes, but I didn’t explain what the interpretations were for that painting.
Finally, I’m pretty sure everything else is there but I can’t guarantee as I made this ages ago.
Please use this for Revision Purposes and share with your peers :)
I hope I’ve helped
By the way, this was originally posted on the Student Room, and still is, but I am the owner of that Student Room Account and wanted my Revision Source to be found anywhere to help as much people as possible :D